Arthur Taubert is a successful, long-standing entrepreneur in the real estate sector and a father of three children. As co-founder and managing director of AvocadoSports, he is particularly responsible for the areas of finance, consulting and career support. In addition, Arthur Taubert holds the certificate as a sports manager and is a club trainer in the small field area in Berlin.
He specializes in mental coaching and motivation.
*Avocado toast is his favorite breakfast

The Avocado Lab. is the second living room of Sandra Kießling, here she is the hostess and ensures the culinary satisfaction of our guests.
She also practices as a trainer in Halle and is particularly happy to welcome you to birthday parties and events.
In the Stullenwerk, our healthy facilities café, she is also the good soul and provides you with healthy snacks and nice conversations.

Jan Manuel Metivier-Glaese, who comes from Paderborn, is the scientist in our team. He has been a soccer coach since he was 12 years old. To this day he has gone through various coaching positions from the U8 to seniors in North Rhine-Westphalia, Brandenburg and Berlin. Most recently, he was a trainer in the U19 association league in Berlin. As a former active goalkeeper, he is also our specialist in this area.
He studied sports science and also works as a teacher in a school in Wedding.
A dream you dream alone is just a dream. A dream you dream together becomes a reality.
— Yoko Ono